Scotch Pine
Known for excellent needle retention (one of the best for needle retention and will often hold needles for over a month!) These hardy thick trees are the most popular Christmas trees in Canada! They are dense tree that hold heavy ornaments well. |
Fraser Fir
Known for stronger branches and blueish tinge to the underside of the needles Fraser firs are a very popular Christmas tree. They are known for very good needle retention. |
Balsam Fir
One of the most desirable Christmas trees with it's great scent, perfect Christmas tree shape and good needle retention! |
Spruce Trees
Blue Spruce - Despite the name of these trees they can range from blue to green coloured needles depending on the conditions they are grown in. The needles of these trees are extremely sharp making them tricky to decorate, but they are extremely popular due to their unique colour. For the spruce trees, blue spruce is known to have better needle retention Norway Spruce- The striking green color of these trees is attractive as they have bright green needles with contrasting red bark. They are a dense tree with many branches, but they needle retention of these trees is quite poor. These trees should only be brought inside to decorate close to Christmas! White Spruce- These are dense, full trees that have typical Christmas tree shapes which make them popular Christmas trees! The needles can look similar to fir trees. Needle loss of these trees is typically high and watering them diligently is a MUST! These trees should not be put up until close to Christmas! Serbian Spruce- Known for it's sturdy branches and thick foliage and blue/green color. It has a great aroma as well! Better needle retention than white and Norway spruce. |
White Pine
Known for their extremely soft needles and excellent needle retention. They aren't recommended for heavy ornaments but are popular for their unique needles. |